
On Tue 30 Apr 2019 at 09:28AM -04, Sam Hartman wrote:

> I plan to start with the question of preferring dh as a package build
> tool.  https://trends.debian.net/ has already added not using dh as a
> "package smell" and so I'd like to validate whether the project agrees
> with that.  I'll start a discussion on debian-devel about this issue the
> week of May 5.  While you can of course start a discussion earlier or
> even start a meta discussion about whether we should have a discussion
> or whether I'm the right person to start it, I hope that doesn't happen.
> I'm organizing some material to frame the discussion.  I understand that
> if we make a change it is likely to be a policy change.  So perhaps I
> could have started the discussion on debian-policy rather than
> debian-devel.  I think that for the high level question debian-devel is
> more appropriate.  If we get down to details then shifting to -policy is
> likely to be a good choice.

Policy currently documents an interface, and debhelper/dh is an
implementation of large parts of that interface.

Thus, it would be something of a layering violation if the normative
part of Policy were to require or recommend using a particular tool to
implement its other normative content.

Perhaps, though, there's no way for Debian to implement such a change
other than amending Policy.  It's not clear where else we would write
such a thing down.  The problem, I guess, is that we have never
standardised on an implementation of Policy before now (aside from the
bits that are in dpkg itself).

Sean Whitton

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