I strongly agree with Ian in this matter.

I think there are at least two cases where this issue comes up and is
importand, and where using a debian revision without separate upstream
tarballs is the right approach:

1) small packages currently maintained by the upstream maintainer where
debian revision is incremented for packaging only changes and upstream
revision is incremented for upstream versions


2) Cases typically outside the Debian archive where a git tree is being
built as a Debian package especially as part of a CI system and where
the effort of tracking upstream tarballs is undesired.

2) is more of an issue for lintian than it is for debian-policy.

While I feel strongly about this, and believe that  I adequately
explained my position years ago on debian-devel when dpkg first started
rejecting packages with debian revisions and 3.0(native) format,
I don't have the emotional energy for a discussion of this.
The way I was treated by the dpkg maintainer back then caused me to stop
working on Debian for months and seriously consider moving on to other
I just don't have the emotional bandwidth to deal with a discussion
where well-considered arguments will be ignored and/or dismissed with
little consideration.

So, +1 on this, but don't expect me to be able to participate much in
the discussion.

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