Package: debian-policy
Severity: minor


/usr/share/doc/debian-policy/copyright-format-1.0.txt.gz says

|    The Copyright field collects all relevant copyright notices for the files
|    of this paragraph. Not all copyright notices may apply to every individual
|    file, and years of publication for one copyright holder may be gathered
|    together. For example, if file A has:
|  Copyright 2008 John Smith
|  Copyright 2009 Angela Watts
|    and file B has:
|  Copyright 2010 Angela Watts
|    a single paragraph may still be used for both files. The Copyright field
|    for that paragraph would contain:
|  Copyright 2008 John Smith
|  Copyright 2009, 2010 Angela Watts

But what if file A says

|  Copyright 2008 John Smith
|  Copyright 2005-2015 Angela Watts

    and file B has:

|  Copyright 2010 Angela Watts

Can this be gathered together to:

|  Copyright 2008 John Smith
|  Copyright 2005-2015 Angela Watts

or does it have to be

|  Copyright 2008 John Smith
|  Copyright 2009, 2005-2015 Angela Watts



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