>>>>> "Russ" == Russ Allbery <r...@debian.org> writes:
    Russ> What do people think?  Helpful innovation, or just extra
    Russ> bookkeeping that isn't worth the effort?  If people do think
    Russ> this is a good idea, I'll bring it up on debian-devel for
    Russ> further discussion (and then, if we adopted it, it would be a
    Russ> debian-devel-announce post).

I think I'd recommend waiting until you get burned a couple times by not
having the review before implementing something like this.
I've watched the expert review process in the IETF become more involved
over the years, and I think it's important to be careful of  against process
complexity increases.  Mind I think the IETF complexity increases may be
justified: the impact of standards errors today is bigger than it was in
And it may be that we've reached the point to start down that road in
But I'd prefer to have concrete things we're accomplishing with a change
like this.  They might look like:

* I'm an expert in foo area, but debian-policy is too much traffic, and
  I'm struggling to keep up


* We didn't get enough review and we made a mistake with the bar
  change.  We have experts who would have done the review if asked but
  do not read debian-policy.


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