Hello *,

I had 5 AS400 (4 CPUs) for 14 Month and installed Debian on it,
but with the aide of a tarbal downloaded from the IBM website.

Now I like to reinstall the Machines and like to know, whether
the Debian support direct installation now or not.

Now I have 9 AS400 of this type and I need to install apache 1.3,
php4 and courier-imap onto it.

Oh yes, can someone tell me, where I can get cheap memory for the
AS400 ?  Preferable in Germany or France.

And what is the maximum Memory I can install ?

I have no Handbooks tor the Servers and not found PDF's on the IBM
Website... If someone can help me out ?

Thanks and nice afternoon

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/ 
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
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