TeÃfilo Ruiz SuÃrez wrote:
> Is there any codec to play .wmv files in Linux/PPC?. I've installed
> almost everything from the marillat's ppc repository but xine still
> gives me that "videoCodec missing" message.

I can watch some WMVs with mplayer[1] here, not all though since WMV is
only a container and contains different codecs.
IIRC I didn't need to get any codecs seperately from mplayerhq.hu.
Hope this helps.


[1] package mplayer-powerpc / mplayer-g4, sources.list entry:
deb http://honk.physik.uni-konstanz.de/~agx/linux-ppc/debian/ mplayer/
 3. The most fun you can have with your clothes on.

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