Sven Luther replied:
>> Could you PLEASE build and package all the servers, not just the FBdev one?
>> The fbdev is not accellerated for my Powerbook's Chips 65550, but the SVGA
>> one is supposed to be.
>No, i will not, i have other things to do. If you provide me with a patch,
>then i could do it. Anyway, i don't think the SVGA Xfree server will even
>compile on ppc, but then i may be wrong.

Don't know about that, but I don't see why it shouldn't. The way I see it,
normally everything gets built by default, so is it a lot more work to
package also the other server binaries?

>If you have the 65550 specs, you could even add fbdev accel for it, taking as
>model the mach64 and pm2 stuff (in xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree68/maxh64|pm2 i

Sorry I'm not enough of a programmer for that yet, and certainly don't have
the time right now to dive into such an adventure, soon to be outdated by
Xfree 4.0 anyway. I'll just wait, thank you.

>> On another tack there, I've downloaded and built the 3.9.17 source. It's
>> not working for me yet, but when (if) it will, how do I go about packaging
>> and uploading it? Is there a HOWTO?
>Xfree 3.9.17 is not actually working for powerpc. you could give 3.9.15 a try
> [...] what problem did you experiment with 3.9.17 ?
>please forward your problem to the xfree mailing list, so it get fixed. (the
>address is devel@XFree86.Org) Make sure to provide lots of info about your

I finally got the whole thing to compile, but then at startup the chips
drivermodule loads a vga module and tries to load an "int10" module, which
has apparently something to do with pc bioses, totally inappropriate for
mac I guess, over which it barfs. I'll post a detailed report to the list.
I guess that means there is no moderation? I did not see a bugreport
possibility for the snapshots through the normal webforms.


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