On Thu, Jun 01, 2000 at 10:23:51AM +0100, David Given wrote:
> Personally, I use
> cd /source
> tar clf - . | (cd /dest; tar xvf -)

for smaller scale transfers i use tar in this manner too.

> Alternatively:
> cp -av /source /dest
> ...does a reasonable job but it doesn't preserve *all* attributes of the 
> files. I've yet to work out exactly what it does and doesn't do.

now this one is dangerous, recent GNU cp does a ok job of it, but
older versions, and of course non-gnu cp do NOT do this right at all,
you end up with symlinks not being preserved and permissions not being

i never reccommend cp -a for anything large or important for that
reason, just look in debian-user archives for at least 2 or 3
instances (within the last year) of people totally hosing there
systems by moving filesystems using cp, losing the symlinks, file
ownerships and permissions...  big time mess, especially on
filesystems like /var.

Ethan Benson

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