On Wed, Oct 11, 2000 at 05:02:23PM -0700, Sam Powers wrote:
> Speaking of pmud, is there any way to have something run when the machine
> wakes? my trackpad settings disappear on wake, and i figure doing trackpad
> notap on wake might help that..

See the /etc/power/ directory (IIRC).

> also, is there any way to make wake from sleep a bit faster? it was pretty 
> fast
> when i tried it in macos x, way faster than macos, which is about on par with
> using pmud.. of course, i know linux isn't macos x, and they obviously have
> better docs than our kernel guys, but if it could possibly wake up faster, 
> it'd
> be nice to have.

Golly.  My Lombard wakes in ~0.75 seconds.  How slow is slow? 

                                                - chad

Chad Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   URL: http://web.chad.org/   (GPG)
"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced".
First corollary to Clarke's Third Law (Jargon File, v4.2.0, 'magic')

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