
I would just like to know if my case is an isolated one... On my Powerbook 3400,
when I run KDE2, many of the kde apps crash when I quit them. ie, I run the
control center, change stuff, and close the app (either by the X button, or the
file->quit), and the hard drives whirs a bit, and the KDE crash handler appears 
me the app crashed.

However, when I run these same apps in Window Maker, I never get a crash (or 
it just doesn't load the KDE crash handler when I'm outside KDE2 ;)  ).

Moreso, on my PC, this doesn't happen...

"No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrow."
 -- Lt. Cmdr. Susan Ivanova, Babylon 5.
"It's the Magic that counts."
 -- Larry Wall on Perl's apparent ugliness.

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