
I've been experimenting with pmud (from sid) on my iBook FireWire.
According to the documentation the real sleep mode does not work
on such machines. It works fine, though. I used 'snooze -f' to be
sure and bypass pmud and its script. Just perfect.

If pmud initiates the sleep it first turns the hds off via the
hdparm 'workaround'. The 'fbset 0' command does nothing useful.
Then pmud needs the disks so it takes 20 seconds to get it back
up via an IDE reset. Now it goes to sleep properly :)

Is the workaround obsolete, then?

What does sleep mode do exactly?

Can I specify inactivity timeouts for it somewhere?

Any possibility for wake-on-lan (from sleep)?

Is there a way to turn off just the display?
When the iBook is in my LAN I'd prefer to close it and ssh to it
if I need something. Closing the lid will send it to sleep however.

Sleep seems to turn off the network card... should I put ifup/ifdown
in the script or does pmud do that itself?



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