On 02/22/2001 17:49, "Ethan Benson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 22, 2001 at 01:28:04PM -0500, Advertising wrote:
> all the problems you describe are the fault of Aladdin and thier
> proprietary crap product and monopolistic practices.

With all respect, that is nonsense. Any problems are the fault of whoever
originally picked Stuffit for packaging free software. No one is making you
use Stuffit. If you don't like that format then you're free to find
something you do like, reverse engineer it or write your own replacement
from scratch.

> good luck, Aladdin REFUSES to document the stuffit format, and will
> not allow anyone to write a alternate extractor for it.  when
> MindVision finally reverse engineered the stuffit 4 format and made
> thier gratis (but proprietary) MindExpander that extracted stuffit 4
> archives aladdin released stuffit 5 with a new non-backward compatbile
> fileformat that won't create stuffit 4 archives.  they have very
> effectively forced people to change to the new proprietary format that
> ONLY stuffit tools can understand.

I doubt that Stuffit 5 was directly targetted to damage MindExpander.
Stuffit 5 used a (at that time) new compression format that broke
compatibility with Stuffit 4 and therefore MindExpander. If you believe that
it was completely intentional then you probably also believe many other
conspiracy theories.


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