On Mon, Mar 05, 2001 at 11:48:30AM +0000, Matthew Kirkwood wrote:
> > post the output of mac-fdisk -l /dev/sda
> Will do when I get home tonight.

this is a long shot but did this disk used to have a x86 partition
table on it?  i am not certain that mac-fdisk zeros out the first
block, and the way mac partition tables are structured its actually
possible to have both a x86 partition table and a mac partition table
at the same time, both with completely different data.   if there is a
x86 partition table the kernel will probably see it first.  

> For now, we have:
> > I made (in order, if I recall correctly):
> > 
> > 250Mb Swap
> > 125Mb Root
> > 125Mb Tmp
> > 500Mb Var
> > 2Gb Usr
> > remainder (around 1.3Gb I think) Home
> > 
> > And there was the (I think) 32Kb partition map at the
> > very beginning.

yes there should be, apple partition tables are kept in a apple
partition.  wierd eh? 

also note if this is a newworld box you need to create an 800K
Apple_Bootstrap partition if you want this disk to ever be bootable.  

Ethan Benson

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