On Wed, Mar 07, 2001 at 01:34:29AM -0400, Peter Cordes wrote:
>  The Darwin kernel includes HFS and HFS+ support.  I assume the interface to
> the rest of the kernel is too different to port it easily, and the license

thats exactly it, most likely the code would have to be almost
entirely rewritten anyway.  HFS+ is fully documented by apple so that
is not the issue, the issue is nobody has the time/desire to write
this filesystem driver.  

since OSX supports installation onto UFS filesystems that is a much
faster route to go, linux already supports OpenStep's UFS varient
readonly, all that is needed is write support for that.  

> Apple has it under wouldn't allow it to become part of the official kernel.
> However, I'm pretty sure it would be possible to distribute source for a
> kernel module based on the darwin HFS code.  That would be "good enough" for
> a lot of people, since the source stays open if you do that.  You don't have
> freedom to do stuff with it, but that shouldn't be too much of a problem for
> a driver for a specialized filesystem.  Still, Free would be better.  I
> don't remember how bad the apple license is, but they don't require your
> house and first-born child or anything :)

all you have to do is violate one of apple's patents and the APSL is
revoked. [1] and as we know companies in the US have no problem
getting bogus patents.  (like oh theming).   i think the time is
better spent writing a Free software filesystem driver, or else fixing
up the UFS/OpenStep driver to support writing.  

[1] This is how i interpret the termination clause anyway, but IANAL.  

Ethan Benson

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