Otto wrote:

> how do I configure X to use german keyboard layout? this was tough under
> LinuxPPC, too, and I forgot how I did it.. =)
> my XF86Config (I'm using the default potato X server) currently reads
> Protocol      "Standard"
> XkbLayout     "de"
> XkbVariant    "nodeadkeys"
> XkbModel      "macintosh"
> XkbRules      "xfree86"
> but this didn't help at all..

The only suggestion I can give here is to try "de_DE" instead of just "de".

> how do I configure X to use both the trackpad and my USB mouse as input
> devive? my XF86Config says
> Device "/dev/mouse"
> and /dev/mouse is a symblic link to /dev/adbmouse. I tried changing the link
> to /dev/usbmouse, but that left me with no mouse or trackpad at all..
> this is some new input layer stuff, right?

Possible. Try /dev/input/mice .

> I set up ppp with pppconfig (according to
> and ppp connects
> fine, but for some reason I can't ping or lynx any damn server..

Have you configured it to set the default route? Use 'route -n' to see if
there is a default route ( at the beginning) with the peer IP as

> whenever I log in to a gnome session, windows open in the left upper corner
> of my screen, with the title bar cut off by the screen boundaries, so I
> can't move them. in debian sessions, I'm happily using icewm.. so how do I
> get gnome to use it, too?

Make sure you have the icewm-gnome package installed. If that doesn't help,
try the Window Manager section in the GNOME control center.

Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)    \   Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc) developer
CS student, Free Software enthusiast   \        XFree86 and DRI project member

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