Alan DuBoff wrote:

> You have a different tree than me, or you had files in the tree that are not
> there now. IOW, if you had been rsync'n in that directory already, it might
> have been updated differently.

No way. The point of rsync is that it makes all local copies of the files in
the repository identical to the originals (using a very interesting protocol
BTW - look for the RFC which describes it if you are interested).

> If you do a fresh rsync, you should get the same code that I have...without
> the airport. (I think...;-)

You are right there, but the explanation is simpler: I had last rsynced on the
10th, when Paulus was at 2.4.2. I just did it again, I now have 2.4.3-pre2 but
no Airport in the config anymore. :-/ I assume it's an overlook and he'll put
it back shortly.

Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)    \   Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc) developer
CS student, Free Software enthusiast   \        XFree86 and DRI project member

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