On Sat, Mar 24, 2001 at 12:03:07AM -0500, C. Setlow wrote:
> Hello.
>     I am trying to get my PowerMac 5500/225 to netboot using BootP,
> TFTP, and a kernel image, but I do not know how.  Any help would be
> appreciated.  I am also trying to get my Beige G3 300 to netboot, and it
> fails after loading the kernel image.

i am not sure that these machines will netboot, its a miricle oldworld
OF boots at all.  

what exactly is happening when you kernel image fails?  error messages
are useful.  

my netboot mini-howto might be helpful, buts its biased towards
newworlds.  i don't know much about netbooting on oldworlds, its not
officially supported by apple and all i have heard is that some of the
more recent oldworld OF implementations have some half assed netboot


Ethan Benson

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