On Mon, Mar 26, 2001 at 01:13:59AM -0800, Lucien S Carroll wrote:
> This may well be an easy question, but i can't find anything on it. What
> does this error mean? kernel panic: VFS: unable to mount fs

it means you neglected to specify your root partition with
root=/dev/hdaXX in /etc/yaboot.conf.  or you compiled a 2.4 kernel
with the completely broken .config it comes with.  

> I've a blue G3 running OS 8.6. Whether I boot via bootx or yaboot, i get
> this same error message right after it checks the partitions and scans for
> RAID stuff. Then it does the boot in 180s deal.

don't use bootx

> This may or may not be related, but i'm also having trouble getting yaboot
> to work. I currently have it set up the YDL way, with the kernel, yaboot,
> and yaboot.conf sitting in the system folder of a MacOS installation. With
> the line

that is probably why it doesn't work, this makes thing much harder and
quite flaky.  you should setup an 800K Apple_Bootstrap type partition
prefereably before any macos partitions and use ybin to install yaboot
on it.  

> image = hd:8,\\vmlinux


        partition=X # whatever partition number your root filesystem is

install yaboot and read the yaboot.conf man page along with the ybin
man page.  

Ethan Benson

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