On Wed, May 02, 2001 at 03:35:07PM -0500, Charles Sebold wrote:
> On 9 Iyar 5761, Leyah Cynamon wrote:
> > Thanks for the advice Charles.
> > 
> > My ethernet aaui port is connected to a transceiver connected to a
> > cable modem connected to my Internet Service Provider. so looks like i
> > still am listening for other possible options re: printing.
> Setting it up beyond that is pretty far out of my ball park, but maybe
> that's a start.  For my time and money, I would rather use a hub and
> some kind of LocalTalk bridge; setting up serial ports on Macs running
> Linux these days can be a pain.

I would second that recommendation, only I'd suggest using a router rather
than a hub.  I recently set my dad up (macos only) using a router for his
cable modem and a localtalk bridge to the printer and older computers, and
it works quite nicely, and has the added benefit that more than one
computer can share the cable modem connection.  The router was around $100,
as was the bridge.
David Roundy

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