Vinai wrote:

On Mon, 7 May 2001, Michel [ISO-8859-1] Dänzer wrote:

} There are Lombards with DVD drives? Sure it's not a Pismo?

No: the original Lombard 400's had DVD drives, as well as a hardware DVD
decoder.  And it does have the HDI SCSI port at the back, so it is not a
Pismo ;-)

Didn't know that, thanks.

} Playing DVDs will be the opposite of fun without the XVideo extension
} which is only in XFree86 4.x and only officially in the r128 driver.

XVideo support for Mach64 is in the GATOS drivers available from (IIRC), though I don't know if those work on PPC; maybe Ani Joshi's tree has it as well, or maybe it's even in the current CVS, which should work fine. You'll have to find out.

} Besides, sound is choppy for me on a Pismo/400 with vlc, xine is
} better but video isn't smooth; see the other recent thread about this.

I hear you.  It is just that all of the machines I have use some flavour
of the ATI Mach64 chip, and the 2.2.** kernels allow me to do colour and
resolution switching on the command line and at boot time.  The kernel
drivers in 2.4.+ have not been as well behaved (at least for me) and it
was a little hard to jusitfy moving up to 2.4.+ without this hardware
working ...

Maybe there are UDF patches for 2.2 (or do DVD players depend on other stuff from 2.4?) .

Note that kernel 2.2/4 and XFree86 3/4.x are orthogonal issues.

Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)    \   Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc) developer
CS student, Free Software enthusiast   \        XFree86 and DRI project member

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