Adam C Powell IV wrote:

> Hello,
> Re Netscape->Mozilla, just one warning to Netscape Mail users:
>              *** DON'T SWITCH TO MOZILLA! ***
> At least, not yet.  I made this mistake, and want to warn everyone else
> not to, as loudly as possible.  Mozilla is approaching stability, but it
> is not there yet, it is not beta quality, it is barely alpha quality.

I have say I agree with Adam.

I'm not using it on my PowerPCs (they all have potato because I need stability
for the teaching lab) but my laptop (i386) has the K desktop and konqueror
browser from Sid.  I am amazed!  There's not a page I've found it can't cope
with, it's small and light, and very reliable.

The only reason I'm keeping netscape at all is that smile, the internet bank,
won't accept connections from it, throwing up a page (not an error dialogue, a
page) saying I can't use this browser.  I don't know what's wrong with these
people: other banks' stuff works fine!

I didn't use K at first because of the problem with the qt licence, but things
are better in that respect of late...


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