On Tuesday, May 22, 2001, at 11:27 PM, Ethan Benson wrote:

i don't know for sure, but i know of people who have been running with
more then 15 partitions.  i don't have a spare IDE disk to test with.

Just a quick follow up.

I have been in touch with Eryk Vershen, author of pdisk, to seek his input on whether or not the fifteen-partition limit still applies.

Eryk is unable to shed any further light on the current status of the bug causing the problem, although he has the impression that it applied to versions of both the Linux and Mach kernels. He suggests we would need to get one of the kernel hackers to check with certainty specifically which versions are/were affected. (...Any takers? :-).

Interestingly, he believes that the problem would apply equally to both SCSI and IDE disks since (by his recollection) the the partitioning code is implemented at a layer above the drivers and so would likely be the same for both drive types.



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