Anton Blanchard wrote:
> > even a small start would be helping me get better RS/6000 support in
> > ybin, since the boot-floppies completely rely on ybin to make
> > yaboot systems bootable.
> I have debian running on a number of RS6000s. Ignoring the install,
> all that is required (on POWER3 machines) is to fix libc to understand
> the large cacheline size. At the moment I am unpacking the deb, binary
> editing it and repacking it (a trick paulus showed me). Longer term
> Benh has patches to export the cacheline size from the kernel to libc
> which will fix the problem.

Where can I get some information about to fix libc for Power3 
processor.  I'd like my RS/6000 machine (Power3) runs Debian
instead SuSE, but it's a broken libc.

Thanks in advance,

German Poo Caaman~o
"La historia no se lee, se escribe"

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