On Sun, Jun 17, 2001 at 09:18:21PM +1200, Alan Macdougall wrote:
> Vital stats: Pwer Macintosh 7600/200MHz/64Mb running Woody.
> Mozilla 0.9 seems a bit of a hog.  (This is build 2001052403 downloaded
> from Ethan's penguinppc repository.)
> Typing "mozilla" at the command line seems to cause 5 separate processes
> to be started, taking in total 149Mb of memory (accorting to gtop).
> Given that I only have 64Mb of real RAM and 50Mb of swap it doesn't take
> much to end up thrashing the disk and an unusably slow experience.

no its not.   rtfm these are threads, there is only one process, not 4
and its not taking 149MB of ram.

> Is this right?  It never seemed to do this when I was running potato...


Ethan Benson

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