On Sun, Jun 17, 2001 at 02:39:09PM +0200, sisi wrote:
> > > thanks, i already had looked at his site, and what he is doing looks
> > > very interesting. but i agree that i shouldn't need gnome, and i am
> > > going to try to compile GTK. if that doesn't work then i will plunge
> > > into dselect.
> > 
> > Maybe I'm missing something, but why don't you just upgrade to testing and
> > 
> > apt-get install gimp1.2
> > 
> > ?
> because i am wet behind the ears and upgrading to testing will directly
> increase my postings on this list ten fold.
> but i might do that anyway and get better at searching the archives.
> grrr,
> sisi

well I run potato with some extra packages on my box, the extra pacakges I get
by compiling them myself.

fortunately glib and gtk are really easy to compile for potato.

it is basically a case of grabbing the gtk and glib source packages and patch
files from the pool on a debian mirror and using dpkg-buildpackage on them.

If you want the easiest solution try 


deb-src http://some.debian.mirror/debian unstable main contrib non-free

to your sources.list

then type 

apt-get source libgtk1.2 libglib1.2

then in that directory there will be a gtk and a glib directory, go into glib
and type 
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot
install the resulting deb files,
do the same for gtk

you can infact say apt-get -b source and it does the building for you, however
I dont like doing it to this extent so hey.

        See You

[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://wibble.net/~sjh/
Look Up In The Sky
   Is it a bird?  No
      Is it a plane?  No
         Is it a small blue banana?

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