On Mon, Jun 18, 2001 at 09:29:19AM -0400, Russell Hires wrote:
> Okay, so what am I going to do to get a network install going? Someone 
> on another list mentioned that there is a module for pppoe, but my
> understanding of this is that it's for the 2.4 kernel. If there is no
> solution to the pppoe problem I've got, I will say "failure" to the
> current incarnation of woody boot-floppies (not that it amounts to
> much). I'm not going to be able to change DSL providers for the near
> future, so that isn't an option. I also spoke to them about the pppoe
> requirement, but I'm not going to run out and buy a router to get around
> this, either.


> Another question: why do the boot-floppies have to be 1.44 MB? If they
> aren't tied to the physical medium any more, there really isn't a limit
> as to how big they should be, right?

because some archetectures still use floppies, such as oldworld
powermac and i386.  huge ramdisks cause other problems anyway, the
larger the ramdisk the more memory it takes up which is unavailable
for processes, this is a problem on low memory machines.  

> With debootstrap, is it possible that I could create a "mirror" or
> simple archive of all the stuff debootstrap is going to d/l before I
> boot into the b-f? That way I can get a mostly functioning system from a
> local drive, install my pppoe software, get connected to the net, then
> d/l everything else...


> I've also thought of d/l an ISO of woody, but there aren't any. They
> require rsync, which I don't think there is a mac version of that will
> do. This part of my problem anyway: I'm in the Mac OS to get everything
> I need as it is. So, getting an up-to-date cd image from which I can
> create a local "mirror" (aka copy everything from the cd image to my
> local drive) isn't going to be easy.

the local drive also must be a non-crippled filesystem (read not HFS)
because .debs use names longer then what HFS/MacOS supports.  

Ethan Benson

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