On Mon, Jun 18, 2001 at 11:59:34AM +0200, thus said thomas graichen:
> Karl-Heinz Haag <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > *sound on/with G4 Cube* 
> > How to configure? 
> > Apples tech-information only tells:  
> > "Sound card 16-Bit -PCI- 44.1 KHz stereo"
> > and
> > "Audio Output -- Sound card -PCI- integrated"
> > Which hardware is this?
> > Is kernel 2.2.19 sufficient?
> > Which modules do I need to compile? 
> > Is there something special about the order to load these modules? 
> it is usb audio - so you usually just have to make shure that
> the audio.o module for usb audio is build and installed

I tried the cube speakers on my Pismo with usb audio. I got a mixer device,
apps could open the sound device and everything seemed fine, apart that
there was no sound. Are the cube speakers known to work with Linux? They get
recognized fine though but no matter what I do with a mixer program they
dont seem to do anything. This is 2.4.5-pre3 from Ben's rsync, about 3 weeks
old or so.



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