On Monday 25 June 2001 06:17, John Hughes wrote:
> I am using oms/omi from livid. Its free. Its also not perfect as there is
> some blue tinting and kinda a funny verticle "lining" on screen. That being
> said, I didn't expect it to run at all, so I figure I am quite ahead of the
> game.

Thought I might update here. Since a reboot, XFree 4.1.0 seems to have done 
the trick with dvd playback. omi_gtk is now crystal clear and no longer 
tinted a funny blue. It works great!    too bad theres no sound. Arghh. 

Ok, does anyone know who I have to speak with specifically to help with this? 
I am not a c progrmmer,  but 6 years as a Sun and Linux systems administrator 
has got to be usefull for something. I can attempt stuff, compile, try to 
debug, etc.etc.etc.  So if someone out there is working on this, can you drop 
me an email? thanks

John Hughes

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