On Wed, Sep 12, 2001 at 10:25:11AM +0200, Christoph Ewering wrote:
> I read this mailing list for some month now and one thing that really
> annoyes me is your arrogant writing style.
> Looks to me that you know a lot about linux but you know nothing about 
> politeness.

your damn right im not polite to pathetic wanker parasites who refuse
to blow thier own nose much less rtfm, or read the fucking list
archives.  im also not polite to useless peices of shit who troll this
list when they should be slobbering on some macos list instead of
wasting our time.

if you don't like that then maybe you would consider writing your own
damn OS, utilties, installers, documentation and everything else we
`rude obnoxious mean ol nasty hacker' people do for you.  or pay out
the nose for Microsoft's or Apple's next dung pile.

Ethan Benson

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