On Wed, Sep 12, 2001 at 11:00:31PM -0400, Colin Walters wrote:
> Hello,
> I made some modifications to boot-floppies, and I wanted to reboot to
> test them.  So I copied the rootpmac.bin to /boot, and reran ybin (for
> no particular reason), and now I can't boot my system with the
> aliases.
> I get:
> boot: linux
> Please wait, loading kernel...
> MAC-PARTS: specified partition is not valid
> Image not found.... try again
> However, typing "hd:3,/vmlinux" works ok.  Anyone have any ideas?
> I've attached my yaboot.conf and the output of mac-fdisk -l /dev/hda.

all of your image= lines are wrong.  they should be image=/vmlinux

Ethan Benson

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