On Fri, Jan 25, 2002 at 05:02:59PM -0800, Wilhelm *Rafial* Fitzpatrick wrote:
>At 4:45 PM -0500 1/25/02, Adam Goode wrote:
>>Java can be found (in various forms) as part of Debian, and as part of
>>the Blackdown project (http://www.blackdown.org/java-linux.html). The
>>Blackdown version contains Sun's Java plugin which should work on
>Sadly, the PPC java plugin (which can be found at 
>http://penguinppc.org/projects/java) broke a couple Mozilla revs 
>(around 9.5 or so) back, and no one to my knowledge has managed to 
>release an updated version.
>If I am incorrect about this, please let me know, I sorely miss Java 
>when surfing with Mozilla.

Actually, blackdown released 1.3.1-02a-FCS three days ago.  I installed
it as soon as I found out and java has been working about as well as I
can expect in Mozilla 0.9.7.  (i.e., most applets work pretty well, a
few like to munch processor time eternally.)  See the address Adam gave
for details.


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