On Fri, Apr 12, 2002 at 07:36:56AM -0700, Chris Tillman wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 12, 2002 at 08:44:08AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > I'll try to hack on this next week-end, I'll let you know. I'm not
> > completely sure yet what is broken, but I do have some clues, I want
> > to fix first.b to be able to load yaboot ELF, though if that ends up
> > bloating it too much, I'll revert to generating a special yaboot
> > binary format that is simpler to load & parse.
> Let me know if I can help; I have a 9500 and Power Computing 120 I can
> test on. I can also get my hands on a 7200, I think.

I'd be happy to help too. I've got a 7500 and a 7600.

Stephen R. Marenka     If life's not fun, you're not doing it right!

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