On Wed, Aug 07, 2002 at 04:18:30PM -0400, Michael Furr wrote:
> On Wed, 2002-08-07 at 15:08, Zachery Bir wrote:
> > Anybody experiencing weirdness with web browsing in particular with moz 
> > or galeon over airport? Pages just spin and spin and spin, while other 
> > network actions (mail, irc, im) aren't problematic at all.
> > 
> > Pages tend to load mostly, usually spinning on images. If I select an
> > image and load it individually, then go back, the page is fine, fully
> > loaded. Then, after a while, I get almost no response at all. 
> I had the exact same problems.  However, when I turned off encryption,
> everything worked beautifully.  Didn't really look into it at the time.
> perhaps this will help.
> -m

I had forgotten about it, but i had the same problem with encryption in
osx on a 800mhz tibook. turn off encryption and everything works fine...
haven't used the airport much under debian so i'm not sure if the
problem carried over or not.

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