Hi all,

I progress a little towards a maconlionux working...
I get now a
 map_zero : mmap: cannot allocate memory
when starting startmol

but compliling and installing modules did'nt go to end:

make-kpkg modules_image
dpkg -i /usr/src/mol-modules-2.4.19-rc1-ben0....Custom_powerpc.deb
produces a line
depmod: *** Unsresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.19-rc1-ben0/kernel/drivers/sound/dmasound/dmasound_pmac.o

I tried modconf but dmasound_pmac refuses to load with same line.

What else can I do ?



(Pismo, Debian woody)


Jean-Christophe Michel
http://www.symetrie.com                            music publisher
14 bis montee Saint-Sebastien F-69001 LYON     +33 (0)478 29 52 14

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