
pmud has been working on my ibook2 700mhz for over a mont now without any 
problems. since today the pmud deamon refuses starting with the following 

pmud[589]: pmud [threshold = 420, margin = 15] started
pmud[589]: opening /dev/adb
pmud[589]: opening /dev/pmu
pmud[589]: bind socket
pmud[589]: daemon stopped (bind socket)

does anybody know what the reason for this is?

thanks for any hints in advance



 Reto Wyss                       Phone : +41  1 635 30 72
 Institute of Neuroinformatics   Fax   : +41  1 635 30 53
 University/ETH Zuerich          Mobile: +41 76 436 22 75
 Winterthurerstr. 190, CH-8057 Zuerich, Switzerland

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