Hi Rolf

My 44p-170 is now booting (thanks to you and German for your work !!) and
i could install debian. 

My Problem now is my graphic-adapter. I have a GTX3000P PCI Card inside
my RS6000. When i use the console over the serial Interface to a second
my Linux-Labtop, everything works. But when i use the internal VGA Adapter
as the console, short after loading the kernel, the screen gets white and then
2 black rectangles in the left and right corners appear. In each of these 
rectangles you see the console, but you can not read anything. 
It looks like a synchronisation problem. I tried 2 TFT-Monitors and 3 
Mulitsync CRT Monitors. Nothing works. 

Do you have any Idea how i could solve this ? Maybe there is a 
Kernel Parameter or something like this ?

Thanks in Advance


Daniel Buergin
Technology and Operations
Storage Management / KTSS1
Weltpoststrasse 5
P.O. Box 5364
CH-3001 Bern
Tel:    +41 31 358 92 13
Fax:    +41 31 358 79 80

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