Hi all,

Is the ATI Radeon 9000 w/16MB Ram supported under Linux. I have a ibook2
with Rage 128 that works perfectly, but one of my friends are thinking
of switching away from Linux (nooooo!) because he can't get his display

Tried looking on the web, and it seems to have support, and from reading
the kernel DRM sources, it seems to support 3D as well (but is says
Radeon Mobility M6/M7 which I'm not sure is the same as 9000).

Someone out there got a working config?



Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 (Sid) (ibook2,powerpc), kernel 2.4.19-benh-rc3xfs

ICQ: 7181075
1874 5597 C754 5209 0A7D  4DA6 9112 5D0E CC1F 67BC

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