> On Fri, 27 Sep 2002, Mark T. Valites wrote:
> > Eeee!!!   My ears!!!!  Need to make it stop!!!
> >
> > aumix installed just fine & works pretty well.  I was under the impression
> > the settings weren't persistent from Matt's mail, so I installed setmixer
> > as he suggested.  The second I apt-got it, a high pitched sound went off
> > from the laptop on both the speakers & line out.

Sorry for not clarifying that point.  aumix adjusts the mixer settings
but (AFAIK) it doesn't save them across reboots.  setmixer allows you to
save the state of your mixer so that it persistent across reboots.

> > dpkg -r setmixer didn't seem to make that disappear & now I think I am
> > stuck with my built in micrphone on.  (Didn't even know this thing had
> > one...  where's it live?)  How can I turn this off so it doesn't drive me
> > to killing someone?

Here's the answer to the "location of the TiBook microphone" question:


> [...] 
> Maybe it was a combination of the mic & the line (what's the line
> anyways?)
> setmixer -V mic 0
> setmixer -V line 0
> Seem to have taken care of it.  Thanks.

Glad to hear it (pun intended ;).  I don't have a mic attached
(I actually don't have a TiBook) so I never had this problem, otherwise
I would have warned you.

You probably had a feedback loop where the slightest noise (like typing
on the keyboard) would feed into the microphone which would then output
to the speakers which would then feed into the microphone and create a
feedback loop.

- Matt

Matt Christian  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Learn to love and love to learn.
http://www.visi.com/~mattc/ 0111 ftp://ftp.visi.com/users/mattc/

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