On Sam, 2002-10-05 at 10:14, Mij wrote:
> I've updated my pages about debian on ibook
> with large pieces.
> http://mij.oltrelinux.com/ibook/
> Changelog:
>       + network, modem (StepByStep)
>       + X and audio sbs updated
>       + screenshot section for suddend getintouch

Some comments about the X section:

    * when you say 'acceleration', you really mean '3D acceleration'. 2D
      is always accelerated by the ati/radeon driver
    * my name is Michel
    * it's 'XFree86', not 'xfree'. The name has a meaning so I think
      it's important to spell it correctly
    * LinuxPPC was a bad distro which no longer exists. We are running
    * I have taken down the binaries at
      http://penguinppc.org/~daenzer/XFree86-4.2/ because I can't
      maintain them. The dri-trunk debs are much better anyway. I always
      keep at least two versions of the packages available, and old
      versions are kept in /var/cache/apt/archives, so broken upgrades
      shouldn't be a problem
    * please remove the part about ModulePath. As I have pointed out
      twice already, it's not necessary and even potentially harmful
    * RADEON_NO_TCL no longer exists, nor would it ever have made a

> c) screenshots: I hope a friend will take some
> photos of my ibook and put them on the page soon.
> I won't install gnome to take screenshot for the page.
> If someone likes to take some shot of his/her
> ([non-]ximian) gnome and post all to me, [s]he'll
> be wellcome twice and of course referenced on the page.

http://penguinppc.org/~daenzer/GNOME2.png shows off GNOME2 as running

Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)/ Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc) developer
XFree86 and DRI project member   /  CS student, Free Software enthusiast

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