On Sat, Oct 19, 2002 at 18:48:51 +0200, Steve Langdon composed:
> weeks later and I'm still completely stuck. Anyone out there know how this 
> works.
> at the "Install Kernel and Modules step" the installer  just cant find the 
> right folder / files containing the Linuk kernal
> If I select the option 'chose from a list' it doesnt even give me a list of 
> possibilities. This probably means it cant find ANY file system on either 
> CD-ROM drive OR my HFS partition. There are copies of the new-powerpc 
> folder on both.
> Has anybody else out there had to manually type in the location of the 
> folder containing the kernel?
> If so, what did you type in?
> Is it cos I'm using a German iMac ? (cant beleive it is)
> I'm on the point of giving up and donating my house and cute children to 
> Bill Gates.

for some reason or another, whenever i install the basedebs.tgz and
modules, kernel, etc. from hard drive, i found that naming the parition
from which the files are to be installed from is named "debian", i have
no problems at all getting the installer to recognise thar partition as
the /instmnt/ partition. don't ask me why, it just works. the partition
is the HFS partition that'd you be installing from. i dunno what to do
with a cd-rom (never done it that way), but from HDD, i know that works.
it worked both in potato and woody installers.


> >
> >This is in the Install Kernel and Modules step? The critical part is for
> >it to find a powermac or new-powermac folder, with drivers.tgz and
> >images-1.44 inside, and with rescue.bin inside images-1.44.
> >
> >--

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