On Tue, 19 Nov 2002, Ross Vumbaca wrote:

> I've got a problem with radeonfb whereby, if I change resolution with
> "fbset", the screen will go blank (monitor enters power saving mode),
> and the remedy is to press Alt-F2 (or whatever) to change tty, and then
> to change back again.

the problem is solved from 2.4.19-benh(I_dont_remember_exactly)
I'm currently runnig  2.4.20-rc1-ben0 freshly rsynced this morning.
see <URL:http://master.penguinppc.org/~benh/> for more details.
> If I run X with fbdev, X will start fine, but the screen will again go
> blank and the monitor shuts down. Remedy doesn't work though, and if I
> press Ctrl-Alt-Backspace to kill X it will come back to life (the screen).

I'm running X from this morning CVS
using FBdev and radeon driver

execept the yellow switch for some colors, everything is fine


Bientôt, Apple ne va plus que fournir les plans sous microfilms coincés
sur le proc : le but sera de les en déloger avant d'allumer la machine,
sinon ça fond ! Comme à Fort Boyard...
-+- SP in Guide du Macounet Pervers :The name is Bond, James Bond -+-

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