On  24 Nov, this message from Albert D. Cahalan echoed through cyberspace:
> The usual junk: some people mistakenly think that /usr/include/linux
> is supposed to contain a link into /usr/src/linux and that that is
> supposed to be source code for the kernel you are running.
> Reality:
> The /usr/include/linux files are derived from kernel source when
> the glibc package is created. Don't touch them. They get upgraded
> when you upgrade glibc. Treat /usr/include/asm the same way.
> That's just the way it is. Linus said so. IMHO these files
> ought to be a separate package, but that isn't the case.
> You should not have a /usr/src/linux directory. You might put
> something there to help you avoid temptation:
> rm -rf /usr/src/linux
> echo "never use this" > /usr/src/linux
> chmod 444 /usr/src/linux
> chattr +i /usr/src/linux
> If you need kernel source, put it in your home directory.

You could use /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build/include/linux/ resp. /asm/
as the include directories of the currently running kernel.... unless
you removed or otherwise changed the location of your build tree in the

Probably as close as yoou can get to the 'right thing' short of forcing
the user to specify includes all the time.



Michel Lanners                 |  " Read Philosophy.  Study Art.
23, Rue Paul Henkes            |    Ask Questions.  Make Mistakes.
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