On Dec 08 2002, Jan-Hendrik Palic wrote:
> I just wanted to ask for your experiences with the livetime of your
> batteries in the IBook2.

        I haven't measured my iBook2's lifetime lately, but I do see
        something strange: I use my iBook2 mostly as a desktop
        replacement, always plugged on the wall and the ring of the
        power adaptor is usually green (i.e., the battery is fully

        *BUT* the strange thing is that sometimes, out of the blue,
        the ring turns orange and the operating system (be it Linux or
        MacOS X) indicates that it is charging the battery.

        I would never expect this behaviour with my iBook permanently
        plugged. Are there others that see similar behaviour? Is my
        iBook2 defective?

        []s quite curious, Roger...

  Rogério Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.ime.usp.br/~rbrito

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