On Fri, 17 Jan 2003, David Zhou wrote:

> Pine is perfectly alright in that it's pretty easy to use.  It's not
> free, but then again, the question didn't have free as a requirement.

Pine is free as in no cost.  But it's not GPL.

> I haven't a clue about the gnus emacs or whatever, since I tend to stay
> far far away from Emacs in general.

I tried gnus for about a month, about year ago.  The Oort version is more
featureful than the version that comes with Emacs; it's beta code though,
but I found it stable enough.  I found gnus to be way too complicated when
all I wanted to do was read email.  Using it as an IMAP client felt
clumsy as well.

I'm going to try it again, though, because while I like Pine for its
simplicity I really like editing text in Emacs.  Pine's key binding is
vaugely emacs-like at a very basic level, but it's not configurable and
different enough that my fingers often do the wrong thing by reflex.

Never tried Mutt.  Can it use emacs as its editor?

"The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne." -- Chaucer

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