Hi, Vince.   I have debian on my powerbase 180, so there should be no problem 
in principle for you.  BTW I use BootX to launch linux.  I think your problem 
may be the Compaq monitor.  I have also installed debian on a Compaq deskpro, 
and had to switch monitors even to do the installation.  I used the Sony 
trinitron off of my powerbase.  Once the installation was complete, I 
compiled the latest 2.4 kernel on the Compaq, and was then able to go back to 
the Compaq monitor with no trouble.  When you first install Debian, it uses 
the 2.2 kernel, so I reasoned that the 2.2 kernel does not like Compaq 
monitors for some reason.  Even after going through the X server set up, if I 
tried to go back to the 2.2 kernel, the screen would flash a couple of times 
and then go black.  I believe there is a 2.4 kernel on the Debian CD.  Maybe 
you can use the F keys to get to a command prompt before rebooting the 
machine, and change the default kernel in the /boot directory.  But if you 
have a different monitor, that would be the simplest fix.

On Friday 17 January 2003 02:16 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I am trying to install Debian onto a Powercomputing Powerbase240 Mac clone
> from 1997. I am a newbie. I 've been using an install flppy, a boot floppy,
> then a Debian PPC CD set for the rest of the install.
> After the 2 floppies and a small install from CD 1, I got all the way to
> the moment of truth where it should boot on its own...and the screen went
> black, flashes a few times, hard drive idles...then black screen again.
> I used the
> ctrl-cmnd-p-r
> key sequence to "cold" boot ...didn't work until I turned off the computer
> and restarted it and used this key sequence again. I had to reinstall
> again. I have now done this three times
> What might be happening: I have a different monitor than the stock one that
> came with the 240: a presario compaq 1400 monitor.
> and there is a PC compatability card in the CPU box ( just a Pentium 144
> motherboard that you could switch to under Mac OS 8.5...)if any people have
> any suggestions on how to rectify this situation. please let me know what
> to do. I bought this computer as is in 99'
> Any help is appreciated.
> Vince

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