On Wed, Jan 22, 2003 at 22:26:00 +0100, Michel Lanners composed:
> On  22 Jan, this message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] echoed through cyberspace:
> >> - check your hard disk speed: hdparm -tT /dev/<disk with kernel source>
> >>   (is non-destructive; post the result to compare)
> > 
> > 1.  Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  3.73 seconds = 34.32 MB/sec
> >  Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in 18.10 seconds =  3.54 MB/sec
> > 
> > 2. /dev/sda:
> >  Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  3.68 seconds = 34.78 MB/sec
> >   Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in 12.71 seconds =  5.04 MB/sec
> 34 MB/sec for buffered reads s essentially a measure of memory
> bandwidth. And 34 MB/sec seems low for a 7500-class machine. I get 45
> MB/sec (OK, on an interleaved memory config).

that may be because of the smallish amount of RAM on this thing;
interleaved i was getting pretty much the same ratings. it may have to
do with the RAM sticks' actual ms speed rating - i have 4MB sticks @ 70
ms IIRC, and some 8MB sticks @ 60 ms.

> 3.54 MB/sec for disk is low; 5.04 is about acceptable for an older SCSI
> disk. Unfortunately Apple fitted those systems with _horrible_ disks
> (like the Quantum Fireball TM's).

this isn't the default drive. it's a seagate ST39173N (can't remember
the name ATM). which is rated @ 7200 rpm. i think that's the bus, more
than the actual disc.
> On my IDE disk in the 7600, connected to a Promise IDE controller, I get
> 12 MB/sec. That _does_ help a lot for kernel compiles.

i'm sure that would help serving web pages too. maybe i can improve
things just with a SCSI card installed, and some extra RAM (in time).
until then, this thing is just gonna be slower than it could be :/.

thanks all,

> Cheers
> Michel
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Michel Lanners                 |  " Read Philosophy.  Study Art.
> 23, Rue Paul Henkes            |    Ask Questions.  Make Mistakes.
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> http://www.cpu.lu/~mlan        |                     Learn Always. "
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