I've posted this question before but did not see the answer.  I am running
Debian Woody on a PowerMac 6500 with 32 MB RAM. I am just using the
console, e.g. no X windows due to the low memory.

I've noticed some problems with the console, specifically when I edit text
in emacs or at the command line characters elsewhere on the line get
distorted (pixels disappear or change).  This can be cleared up by hitting
^L but that is a nuisance and I suspect deeper problems as the machine
sometimes locks up hard when I am manipulating text, generally if it spans
multiple lines.

I just upgraded to the 2.4.18-powerpc kernel image from 2.2.20-pmac to see
if that will help.  Otherwise if there are any video arguments that would
help get me more stability I would apprecate any hints.

Currently my quik.conf contains:


"The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne." -- Chaucer

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