On Mon, Feb 03, 2003 at 10:36:57PM +0100, florian wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-02-03 at 22:02, Derrik Pates wrote:
> > On Mon, Feb 03, 2003 at 08:41:49PM +0100, florian wrote:
> > > but why does it not throw this error when i run the app as root?
> > 
> > Because root has access to everything, I suppose, just like on every
> > other traditional Unix-ish system. Look at the permissions on /dev/sg*
> > (or /dev/scsi/hostX/busY/targetZ/lunN/generic, if you're using devfs),
> > and make sure that the user you're ripping as has permission to to read
> > and write to that device. (Ripping with SCSI drives is done by issuing
> > raw SCSI commands - you're using IDE-SCSI, so same thing applies.)
> ah! yup, nicolai already pointed out that i should have checked the
> sg* devices and not just sr0 and scd0.. 

You should create a cdburner or whatever group, add yourself to it, and
change all these devices to be group owned by them. The CD-writing howto
has some comment about this in the faq part.


Sven Luther

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