On Fri, 21 Feb 2003, Rogério Brito wrote:

> On Feb 21 2003, David Campillos wrote:
> > I'm trying to configure gdm with a Twin Turbo 128 video card in a PPC
> > 9600/350.
> (...)
> > I know that lspci can help me, but I have 2.2 kernel, and that
> > command only outputs hex addresses.
>       First of all, you should compile yourself a 2.4 kernel,
>       because kernels from the 2.2 series apparently aren't able to
>       see all devices in the PCI buses.
>       This was one of the first things that I had to get done to get
>       an old 9500/180MP to use an imstt card.

correct me if I'm wrong (long time that my 9600 died) but
if your booting via BootX, (as some of the material initialisation is
performed by MacOS before linux boots up) you also have to play with
resolutions modes on MacOS side, check under linux, and so on until you
find a correct MacOS setting which will be compatible with  Xfree


>       dvips -o $@ $<
Faut faire gffe de pas te couper avec ton truc, t'as mis des ciseaux ($<)
partout :))
-+- Dom in Guide du linuxien pervers - "J'aime pas les Makefile !" -+-

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