On Fre, 2003-03-14 at 18:49, Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:
> Ladies & Gentlemens .... The looooong awaited new power management
> code coming right from the ATI labs is here ! Finally :)
> I posted a patch at <http://penguinppc.org/~benh/new_sleep.diff>
> Sleep should now work properly on all these ATI Mobility chips,
> and power consumption might even be slightly improved in
> normal use.
> Please let me know how this works for you (mention your machine
> model and video chip type, that is the output of /proc/cpuinfo
> and lspci) along with your reports so I know what's up.

I successfully put to sleep and woke up a TiBook III with an M7 and a
TiBook IV with an M9, both in console and in X with DRI enabled. Kudos
to you Ben and to ATI, especially their Mac team!

Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)/ Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc) developer
XFree86 and DRI project member   /  CS student, Free Software enthusiast

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